How to Make a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino

Vanilla Bean Frappuccino

How to Make a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino



In this article you will learn how to make a vanilla bean Frappuccino. This drink can be perfect for you for so many reasons. If you are trying to reduce your caffeine intake but can’t seem to let go of those coffee recipes, then this is a drink for you. If you just have a sweet tooth and not a fan of coffee, it is equally great for you. And, if you are like me and just love having options, then you are welcome. This drink was invented for you!


Now, it can be quite expensive and tasking to visit a Starbucks shop every day to spend the big bucks. It would be quite better if you could just make them yourself at home. This way, you can make them anytime you have the urge in as much as you have the ingredients. And what’s more? You can make it for a fraction of the price you would have gotten it as a coffee shop.

To help make this easy for you, I have helped you with the research and experimentations, coming up with a list of recipes that I will be sharing with you today. I have a recipe for everyone and I am sure you will definitely see one that works for you regardless of your lifestyle.

What is a Frappuccino?

The term Frappuccino is said to have been coined by Starbucks when they came up with this delicious drink before it became a thing and is now being used by everyone. If you ask me, if they ever contest for the presidency, this drink got them my vote.

Anyways, a Frappuccino is essentially a cold blended drink that can be made with either coffee or a crème base e.g. ice cream. So, you can easily say there are two major types or classes of Frappuccino.
The particular Frappuccino I will be sharing its recipe today is a crème based one and is originally made with ice cream and not ice cream. Although, over time and after many experiments, people have come up with alternatives to using ice cream majorly because of the calorie punch that it packs. One great advantage of the choice of base for this drink is that even kids can have it.

Now, the first time I got to know about these drinks was a day I had to make an emergency stop at Starbucks to get my fix of caffeine. But on this particular day, I had my niece and nephew with me and they were on me to also get them a drink. Now, we all know the effect of caffeine on kids so I was torn on what to get them. However, after a brief consultation with the attendant, I was advised to get them the vanilla bean Frappuccino.

This was my first time hearing it and I just didn’t trust it. But, I needed a drink for the little ones so I went with it. I could never have predicted their reaction as they took an instant liking to it. They couldn’t get enough it and I was forced to ask what had them so gleeful. As expected, they looked at each other and with that look and tone that was both funny and infuriating all at the same time replied, “You know nothing, Jon Snow!”
To cut a long story short, I ended up begging for a taste and instantly fell in love with the ice-cold yumminess of the drink. And from that moment forward…well as they say, the rest is history.

The Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino Recipe (Clone)

Knowing this drink originated from Starbucks, it is only fair to work on re-creating their recipe first. So, my first research was directed majorly at bringing that awesome taste I fell in love with that very first day into my kitchen.
It is an awesome drink that doesn’t actually have coffee in it, making it a perfect drink for a family with children. However, going to Starbucks every time you want the drink will definitely put a dent in your bank account over time especially if you have lots of kids. Therefore, I have helped you come up with the recipe so you can make it yourself in the comfort of your home and save a small fortune over time.


This clone is quite easy to make and doesn’t stress or cost much money. In fact, when I got to piece what was needed to make this drink, I was more than shocked. Just a couple of ingredients that you probably even have laying around the house. And…wait for it…you don’t even need the Frappuccino syrup that is offered by Starbucks. Don’t worry, I was equally shocked and elated when I found out.
To make a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino that is similar to that of Starbucks, you will need;

• 1 ½ cups of Milk
• 1 cup of Ice
• 3 scoops of Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
• 1 tablespoon Sugar
• 1/8 tablespoon of Vanilla extract
• Whipped Cream (Optional)


As I said earlier, this is a very easy drink to make. First, you place all the ingredients except the whipped cream in the blender and blend till you achieve the yummy, slushy texture that you like. Then, you pour into glasses until they are half full.

Now, depending on your taste, you can decide to top each glass off with whipped cream. Who doesn’t like whipped cream? It is awesome and it will also give the drink a more aesthetic look.
Serve immediately with a straw!
However, you need to remember that the type of blender you are using with greatly influence how long you blend for. If you are using a regular blender, you know you will need to blend for a bit longer than if you are using a heavy-duty one.

Also, the amount of sugar depends entirely on you. If you have a sweet tooth then you will definitely be using a lot more sugar that a diabetic person.

Dairy-Free Vanilla Bean Frappe

It will definitely be unfair to those who are lactose intolerant to not to be given a chance to enjoy this classic drink also. And it is for this particular reason that I decided to further research how to make a version of the Vanilla Bean Frappe that is okay to been consumed by those who are lactose intolerant.
However, what I love most about this recipe is just how healthy it is. Did you know that an average Vanilla Bean Frappe ordered at Starbucks has about 400 empty calories? Not to talk of loads of sugar dumped in it and also the cholesterol, unhealthy fats and much more. Although this is okay for some people, there are lots of other people out there who are dedicated to eating healthy and this recipe is also for them.
In case you didn’t know, empty calories are calories with minimal vitamins and minerals but instead contain loads of unhealthy fats and sugar.

The realization of both these scenarios made me decide I need to dedicate more time towards getting a dairy-free, healthy Vanilla Bean Recipe for my loyal readers. This particular recipe is the best I came across and it gives you lots of protein, healthy fats, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Calcium, and lots of other important nutrients.
Now, you can enjoy a healthy vanilla bean frappe whenever you want even if it is after a workout.


• 500mL vanilla almond milk, unsweetened
• 1 scoop vanilla bean protein powder
• ½ cup of ice
• ½ can full-fat coconut milk
• 1 tablespoon maple syrup
• Vanilla extract

Instructions for How to Make a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino

To start with, you will have to chill a can of coconut milk for about 6 house or you could just leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Once it is chilled, you need to separate the liquid from the solid by flipping the can over, after which you open it up in order to remove the liquid. Place the liquid somewhere.

Scrape out the coconut milk fat out of the can and pour in a jar along with the maple syrup and vanilla extract and cover the jar. Shake well for about 5 minutes and by now you should have whipped coconut cream.
Add all the ingredients into the blender and blend at a high speed. You could decide to blend in pulse so you could have chunks of ice left in the final result.

Pour the blended mixture into a cup and serve. You can take the drink with some dark chocolate or top it off with some coconut whipped cream.

Other Variations
Another incredible thing about this drink that I love is the fact that it can easily be adapted to your taste or diet. Just like the dairy-free recipe above, there are numerous other ways you can adapt this drink and some of them include;
1. Skinny: here, all you need is to use fat free milk and an artificial sweetener
2. Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with Caramel: add 1 tablespoon of caramel sauce and about 3 tablespoons of caramel syrup and voila, you have a new taste.
3. Mocha: here, you just need to add about 1/3 to ¼ cup of chocolate syrup. Yes, it is as yummy as it sounds.
Like I said earlier, this drink can be easily adapted. In fact, if you want to add some other taste to it, all you have to do is add it to the ingredient. For example, you can easily add bananas to it and blend it all together to get a vanilla bean frappe with a tinge of banana.

Vanilla Bean Frappuccino Calories

For a lot of us who care a lot about how many calories we ingest, it will be important to know that making a homemade version isn’t just about saving cost and time. You will also be drastically reducing the number of calories you are ingesting per serving, depending on the recipe you follow.
For example, the calories in the Vanilla Bean Frappe sold at Starbuck are at least 280 calories, although this varies by size. According to the Starbucks website, the various calories are;
Tall: 280 calories
Grande: 400 calories
Venti: 490 calories

In contrast, the recipes I shared above have a maximum calorie count of about 260 calories per serving.

Frequently Asked Questions about Vanilla Bean Frappe

What does a vanilla bean Frappuccino taste like?
Knowing the fact that almost everybody likes this drink, you should know that it definitely tastes good. Personally, I feel they taste like a vanilla milkshake but are just not as sweet as the traditional milkshakes. The vanilla beans added gives the drink a great vanilla flavor.

Does Vanilla Bean Frappe have Caffeine in them?
No! This particular frappe is a cream-based one. So, since there is no coffee in them, they do not have caffeine.How do you make vanilla bean frappe without ice cream?
Although I personally use ice cream when I am making this drink, in lieu of ice cream, you can use heavy whipping cream, granulated sugar, vanilla bean paste or extract, and extra ice.
Can you store leftovers of a vanilla bean frappe?
Yes, you can! If you end up having leftovers after enjoying this tasty drink, I will recommend that you pour it in a jar and cover it tightly. You can then put the jars in your freezer.
Whenever you feel like having your leftovers, you can easily bring them out and put in a warm place to defrost and soften.


This is a very tasty drink that you can share with your whole family due to the fact that it doesn’t have caffeine in it. Hence, making it consumable for kids. With the recipes I shared above, you can easily have the awesomeness of Starbucks in the comfort of your home without having to break the bank.
What are you still waiting for? Pick one of the recipes and get to work giving your family something else to enjoy at home. Enjoy! After you master this drink another delicious drink to learn is a Caramel Frappuccino.